Tuesday, April 04, 2017

TUES 4/4: Free Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Today

I may get this blog going again soon, but let's enjoy some enjoy ice cream today...


Noon to 8pm
Free Cone Day
at participating Ben & Jerry's stores

On a dreary day, a free ice cream can lift the spirits. We might even want a pick-me-up on a sunny day.

I have seen long lines in past years when the weather has been crappy, so be ready to delay your gratification for a few minutes.

It's one per customer, although I know a guy who visited more than one location in a day... (Harvard Sq, Newbury St, Natick, etc -- it can be done.)

Exposing new flavors is one of the reasons for Free Cone Day, so I might as well share them: Cocoa Loco, Frozen Flakes, Fruit Loot, Truffle Kerfuffle, and Chocolate Cherry Garcia (Chocolate Ice Cream with Cherries & Fudge Flakes)...

(And don't worry about Ben & Jerry when chowing down on your cone -- they sold to a giant conglomerate years ago.)

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