Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WED 1/19: Poe, Opera, Slam, Berlin

Yeah, there are two events at the library tonight, but both are worthwhile and quite different.

Update: Wow, Thursday & Friday cheapness is already on the calendar.


WED 1/19

7pm to 8pm
"Celebration of the 202nd Birthday of Edgar Allan Poe"
at Boston Room, Boston Public Library, 700 Boylston St, Boston (Copley Sq)

Although Poe was born, grew up, served as a soldier here (Castle Island's Fort Independence may have served as the inspiration for "The Cask of Amontillado"), Edgar didn't seem very fond of the Hub.

Paul Lewis curated an exhibit at the BPL and is no doubt the top Poe scholar in town. He'll talk about this sort of thing and the scene when the sullen one (or was he?) lived here in what should be a relatively loose celebration.

Mr. Poe -- in the form of a scholar-actor -- will also show up as well as a rep from the Edgar Allan Poe Foundation of Boston.

Feel free to read a short Poe passage or ask a question. I read that some Poe t-shirts will be given away.

FYI: The "Boston Room" is almost immediately to the left as you enter from Boylston St.

WED 1/19

7pm to 8pm
Opera Night at the BPL: "The Emperor of Atlantis"
at Rabb Lecture Hall, Boston Public Library, 700 Boylston St, Boston (Copley Sq)

As abstract as the horror of the Holocaust can be from the present-day, millions were living and dying as the victims of a mercurial despot yet still making art.

Two prisoners collaborated on an opera with libretto about a world so horrendous due to a mercurial despot that Death refuses to do its job anymore. Amazingly there was a rehearsal in the camp in 1944.

It's been modified and will be performed by the Boston Lyric Opera this season. Members of the BLO will discuss the background and perform an excerpt.

WED 1/19

"IWPS Finals"
at Cantab Lounge - Underground, 738 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge (between Central Sq & Harvard Sq)

Last year's Individual World Poetry Slam just happened, but the Cantab slam scene is choosing their representative for December. I could guess why, but the point is that 9 of the top spoken-word performers are competing through several rounds to come out the last poet slammin'.

Scheduled performers: Kevin Devaney, Michael Monroe, Patrick S., Sam Teitel, Megan Thoma, Matthew Richards, McKendy, April Ranger, Krista Mosca
The usual $3 weekly cover has been raised to help offset expenses, and there will be no open slam tonight.

I've been to the Cantab's poetry night, and it's quite a vibrant and crowded scene. I suggest getting there early, if you really want to get in.

WED 1/19

Rick Berlin w/ Nickel & Dime Band
at Plough & Stars, 912 Mass Ave, Cambridge (Central Sq)

If you didn't head out post-blizzard to catch Rick Berlin last Wednesday, it's merely slushy tonight. This local music legend continues to write songs that delve into the human experience and find truth that can smack you in the face. You can download a couple tracks from his new album for free, and maybe you'll want to get some more in person.

Berlin will be backed by Nickel & Dime Band who used to host the live-band karaoke at the old Milky Way (and have resumed at the new location). They might even let some people sing with them on this night.

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