Saturday, January 01, 2011

SAT 1/11: History, Art, Music

Sure, 1/1/11 is cool but I'm waiting for 11/11/11...

Congrats to the insane L Street Brownies who jumped into the icy waters off Southie like they do every year (clip from '10). I wonder if I ever will wake up early enough to even watch them.

If you want to spend a few extra bucks ($15), MC Mr. Napkins is back in town and performing at Club Passim (8pm). When I ran into Zach at a bar around this time last year, I told him how incredibly funny he was -- in a meandering, beery tribute to his face.


SAT 1/1

235th Annual Grand Union Flag Raising
at Prospect Hill Park, about 70 Munroe St, Somerville (near Union Sq)

Some of Revolutionary history is that the American flag was raised atop Somerville's Prospect Hill on 1/1/1776, because George Washington said so. This is one of those annual reenactment events that I'd like to see one day.

There will be songs, readings, and people dressed up, etc.

SAT 1/1 (and SUN 1/2)

Noon to 6pm
Frances Stark, "This could become a gimick [sic] or an honest articulation of the workings of the mind": Exhibition
at List Visual Arts Center, 20 Ames St, Cambridge (MIT campus)

Another one of my 2010 failures was to see this exhibit; I think I misread the title in a way that turned me off a bit. There is still a chance to see this 20-year retrospective from the artist with about 40 pieces in different media.

SAT 1/1

2pm to 4pm
New Year's Day Walk
meet at Franklin Park Golf Clubhouse, One Circuit Drive, Boston

"You'll learn a little park history, experience renowned park designer Frederick Law Olmsted's masterpiece, and catch the beginning of a winter sunset."

The path should be plowed.

SAT 1/1

8pm to Midnight
"DJ Razz"
at Johnny D's, 17 Holland St, Somerville (Davis Sq)

My friend (in my mind, not his) -- and rocker from DMZ, The Queers, Downbeat 5, and so on -- JJ Rassler spins records with an eclectic slideshow.

SAT 1/1

at Plough & Stars, 912 Mass. Ave, Cambridge (Central Sq)

They were the (self-proclaimed) 'worst band in Boston', but that doesn't stop them from getting back together once a year for a gig. You don't need to hear some bad rock, but it's a chance to hear "Sex Poodle" live...

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