Sunday, April 25, 2010

SUN 4/25: Rowing, Science, Sailing, Art, Greek, Film, Rock

Still time to go out and enjoy the weekend...


SUN 4/25

10am to the slowest paddler
Run of the Charles Canoe & Kayak Race
from Great Plain Ave, Needham to Herter Park, Brighton [PDF map]

Stand along any part of the river to watch canoes and kayaks paddle quickly, or go to the end in Brighton. There is a festival at Artesani/Herter Park with food vendors, music, and diversions. It should be in full swing by noon and going on until at 3pm when you can join in an attempt to break a world record for rubber-chicken tossing ($1 donation to participate).

SUN 4/25

10am to 3pm
"MIT Physics Demonstrations Exhibition"
at Room 152, Bldg 26, 60 Vassar St, Cambridge (MIT campus)

The "free science pick of the day" from the Cambridge Science Festival.

SUN 4/25

11am To 3pm
Sailing Open House
at Courageous Sailing, Charlestown Navy Yard

Enjoy a free sail on Boston Harbor, tour the facility, learn about our sailing programs. Free BBQ too. Discounts to be offered on lessons/memberships.

Whenever these sailing events start happening, it's good to remember to wear clothes that can get wet. Keep in mind it will feel colder on the boat.

SUN 4/25

Noon to 8pm
Drawing Marathon #7
at Mobius Art Space, 725 Harrison Ave, Boston (South End)
$10 Donation

Instead of the usual models sitting still, your subjects will be performance artists will be doing their thing that could be music, movement, etc.

Bring your art stuff, and stay as long as like (up to 8 hours)... Don't get hung on the perfect image, just draw a lot! Feel free to bring water and snacks.

You can watch videos of past "subjects".

SUN 4/25

Noon to 6pm
North and West Cambridge Open Studios
around North and West Cambridge

Because there are too many dang artists, Cambridge split up the open studios in 3 parts. You'll find your friendly neighborhood creative types in various media "from Alewife and Fresh Pond, down to Porter and Harvard."

SUN 4/25

Annual Greek Independence Day Parade
from Boylston St, Copley Sq to Boston Common

It looks like a lot of people are parading down Boylston. I hope there are enough Greek people to take care of the spanakopita and baklava at the festival at the Parkman Bandstand (Tremont St side) around 2pm for music, dance, delicious food, etc.

SUN 4/25

Various Times
Independent Film Festival of Boston
at Brattle Theatre, 40 Brattle St, Cambridge (Harvard Sq)
at Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Square, Somerville
Most $9

Of the local film festivals, IFF Boston may be your best chance at seeing something cool that's also really independent. The Boston Film Festival often screens movies that are probably going to be released in at least a few theaters. The Boston Underground Film Festival is mainly comprised of weird yet interesting films that push the envelope but don't have much of a chance of success.

Check the schedule. Best bets for today:

1pm to 2:30pm

"The Lef Foundation Presents: Discussing the Documentary"
Panel at Somerville Theatre
"9500 Liberty" at Somerville Theatre
"My Suicide" at Somerville Theatre
"Looking for Eric" at Brattle Theatre
3:30pm to 5pm
"Making a Feature Film in Massachusetts on an Indie Budget"
Panel at Somerville Theatre
"How to Fold a Flag" at Somerville Theatre
"The Killer Inside Me" at Somerville Theatre

(I'm not recommending this one, but it is a highlight of the films during the fest.)
"Strange Powers: Stephin Merritt and The Magnetic Fields" at Brattle Theatre
SUN 4/25

"Looking Up: Wonders of the Night Sky"
at Cahners Auditorium, Museum of Science, 1 Science Park, Boston

A 75-person choir performs astronomical songs by Handel, Jonathan Coulton, and others -- because, y'know, it's the Cambridge Science Festival.

SUN 4/25

Spirit Kid (11:30pm), Nathan Kalish & the Wildfire (10:40pm), The Diamond Mines (9:50pm), The Double Stops (9pm)
at TT the Bear's Place, 10 Brookline St, Cambridge (Central Sq)

Awesome rock on one side of the river.

SUN 4/25

Harlem, Tulsa, Girlfriends
at Great Scott, 1222 Comm Ave, Allston
$10 / 18+

Awesome rock on another side of the river.

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