Add a little bark to your bling!
Kelly of The Refinery has offered to give away one her skyline necklaces to a Cheap Thrills reader.
She turns wood into an assortment of necklaces, dog tags, rings, and a wine bottle holder.
Check out her Etsy shop -- or you can visit On Centre [Yelp, Facebook], the store in Jamaica Plain, which is carrying some of her items.
As you may have noticed, the sample photo is a generic skyline.
I actually stared at it for a long time trying to identify the buildings before I asked Kelly about it.
Your prize will actually capture some of the local architecture.
Whatever the final image is, you will be the first person to have this cool piece of Boston jewelry.
People will marvel. Friends will be astonished. Others will be jealous.
It's easy to win.
Just give your answer to following question...
How would you improve the Boston skyline?There are some nice views, but could we rank up there with Chicago, New York, or Seattle?
Your answer could be funny, profound, practical, or whatever... The artist and I will choose the winner with no specific criteria other than the answer we like best.

So sign in with one of the listed ID's (Google, OpenID, LiveJournal, WordPress, TypePad, AIM) and leave a comment -- OR -- email us (me & Kelly, both on gmail -- add the punctuation).
Deadline to enter is Tuesday 3/30, and we'll pick a winner on Wednesday 3/31 so you know we're not fooling...
I'll probably post a couple reminders over the next two weeks. I personally think it would be fine to enter multiple times...
If you win, Kelly will mail it to you. (Thanks, Kelly! Check out her stuff!)
Happy brainstorming!
(I will hopefully have a Wednesday post up soon...)
First emailed entry...
Samantha R. wrote:
The only thing I could think to change would be more gardens and greenery on the rooftops. I think Boston is already unique with all of the old buildings and history....
We are leaving Boston in 2 weeks and I hate to see it go! I havent even started packing in hopes that I wont have to, for some reason, and we could stay....
2nd emailed entry...
Deborah G. wrote:
I would add a baseball to the top of one of the buildings. Go Sox!!
3rd emailed entry...
M.J. wrote:
It needs a lighthouse.... obviously all Bostonians live in lighthouses and eat lobster. Right?
I would add a 4 leaf clover for the Celtics or a B for the REd Sox. This are Boston's symbols since the dark ages.
Email entry...
Gram P. wrote:
I would like to see Palm trees myself, but would settle for good old Maple Trees.
Clearly, the Bat Signal.
Less lights at night! Our skyline is beautiful and glittering at night, but I'd love to see less energy use and less light pollution. Dim the Pru; let the stars shine over it instead.
Marissa C. wrote:
I would add 40 stories to Trinity Church or build a skyscraper in the style of Gothic architecture next to the Hancock building - the old and the new Boston both represented in the skyline
Annabel & Marissa --
Send me an email, so we can notify you if you win.
(add @ and dot)
Ted B. wrote:
there's no way we can beat chi-town or new york in terms of skyline wingspan and we'd need something epic to beat out the space needle with mt. rainier in the background.
therefore, why not get something that none of them have and throw a couple windmills up. it's always windy around here, being right on the water, and wind power is part of the future, so why not stick a few up to accentuate what we've got and make a statement about how boston does things.
although i know there's a lot of people who think they're ugly, i, for one, think they're beautiful. they'd certainly make our special...
Danielle B. wrote:
The Boston skyline needs an enormous statue of Neil Diamond that continuously plays 'Sweet Caroline'--that would be wicked awesome.
I moved to Boston from the flat, flat plains of Kansas. And while the plains will always be near and dear to me, nothing reminds me that I now reside in Boston more than the skyline. I wouldn't change a thing about it. I love how it changes depending on where you view it from. I love how it looks when you're flying out of Logan at 9:30 in the morning and the rising sun reflects off of the water. I love how the buildings making up the skyline are a mixture of older architecture and new.
I can't wait the Boston specific skylines go up for sale on her Etsy site - I will definitely be purchasing for friends!
Lasers. The Boston skyline definitely needs more lasers. There should be at least one shooting over to Cambridge, maybe one pointing towards whatever sporting event is going on at the time, and then a bunch pointing off at various directions - maybe at significant constellations or something. Those details could be ironed out later. The important part is that there should be lots of them. Lasers shooting out everywhere would prove to everyone that Boston is truly the greatest city in the world. Because, seriously: what other city has lasers shooting from it's skyline? Not New York, that's for sure.
OKAY, the final entries (unless we get some very soon)...
Danielle B. wrote:
The Boston skyline needs an enormous statue of Neil Diamond that continuously plays 'Sweet Caroline' -- that would be wicked awesome.
PS I love the Refinery Boutique necklaces -- so unique and so beautiful!
Maria M. wrote:
I think the buildings in our skyline are striking and comprise a stunning mix of old and new. On a sunny day, seeing the skyline from a plane approaching Logan makes for a terrific "welcome to Boston".
But what the skyline could really use is something to perk it up on gray days, like the ones that we've been having lately. I propose that the skyline could use an eco-friendly iridescence that could be emitted into the sky from the rooftops of buildings on non-sunny days.
This would add a lovely twinkle to the sky and perk up the cloudy and gray backdrop to the Boston skyline.
Leah H. wrote:
Trees! On top of buildings.
Imagine little rooftop gardens complete with elegant trees (especially pines, firs, conifers) atop the tall buildings.
Yeah, it sounds really weird. But I'm all about trees and greenery, and not only would it give Boston a VERY unique skyline, but it would also give Boston's bird life some awesome places to roost/nest/reside.
I once read an article about how humans erecting all these buildings is creating so many "dead footprints" for wildlife in regards to green areas, and ever since then I've wanted to spread the idea of Growing Stuff on the Top of Your House (or Office Building), whatever. So yep, that's my funny weird idea for Boston's skyline.
Jed B. wrote:
I'm thinking of a large structure. One side is a waterfall type fountain. It's like what was under the Brooklyn Bridge a couple years back. Search on google if you like
It's tall and can be seen driving towards Boston from the south. It should be placed to the north east of the John Hancock. On the other side (non waterfall side) an escalator or elevator to a viewing deck on the top where you can see all of Boston. It will represent the constant changing of this great city.
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