Thursday, July 10, 2008

7-11 Gives Free Slurpees on 7/11

Free Slurpees on 7/11 -- but not in this cup
All Day Long
7.11-ounce Slurpees
at participating 7-Eleven stores

Yes, it's true. I try to go every year and have at least one free mini-slurpee. It's actually a good amount if you consider that a 7.11-ounce slurpee has 7 ounces of sugar. It's also sufficient to get a brain-freeze.

I assume most, if not all, stores are participating. I know I'd be pissed if I went to one that wasn't doling out the freebies. Back in L.A., the 7-11's were stacked like Dunkin' Donuts and CVS locations combined, but there are still enough in the Boston area to get multiples without much trouble...

(While cup supplies last.)

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